Saturday, 14 March 2015



Sir Tom...Thank you for everything..
All that you have taught us have been helpful and very informative.
But of course nothing could top your jokes, hahahaha

Thank you sir for being a great.. no wait.. . stupend-- nope. .
a COOL and AWESOME Computer Science Teacher!! :) :D ;)

See you again when we're in Grade 9

fist bump animated GIF

More Quizzes? Yahoo!

Well this quarter we had a total of 3 quizzes and 1 Long Test.
Wanna know my Scores?

Quiz 1 = 11 out of 15
Quiz 2 = 7 out of 10
Quiz 3 = 12 out of 15
Long Test = 15 out of 24

Yaaay passed all of 'em!!! Although I passed, i honestly had difficulties this quarter with the quizzes. That's why my scores aren't that high. But that's still okay right?

adventure time animated GIF

Installing Operating System (OS)

How to install Windows 7 OS:

here are OTHER examples of Operating Systems:

  • MAC OS

  • UNIX


Computer System Unit Components

These Components are:
  • Motherboard
  • Power Box
  • RAM (Main Memory)
  • Processor (CPU)
  • Hard Disk
  • DVD Drive
  • SATA Cables
  • Fan
  • Video Card
  • Network Card
  • Audio Card

Basic Computer Hardware Troubleshooting

Common Computer Problems
1.No Internet Connection
2.Blue Screen of Death
3.Input/Output devices are not working
4.No Screen Display
5.Computer is not working and produces beeping sound

Generations of Computers

The Generations are designed based on technological development

1st Generation-Vacuum Tubes
Image result for vacuum tubes

2nd Generation-Transistors
Image result for transistor

3rd Generation-Integrated Circuits
Image result for integrated circuits
4th Generation-Microprocessors
Image result for microprocessor
5th Generation-Artificial Intelligence
Image result for artificial intelligence

Machine Cycle + Networking

Machine Cycle - also called as processor cycle. The basic operation performed by a CPU


Fetch > Decode > Execute > Store

Here's a video for you to learn more:

Network- allows computer systems to exchange information

  1. LAN – Local Area Network
  2. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
  3. WAN - Wide Area Network


Data Conversions

Binary - Decimal
Decimal - Binary

Binary - Hexa-decimal
Hexa-decimal - Binary

Decimal Hexa-decimal
Hexa-decimal - Decimal

Data Representation

 Digitizing - process of inputting files then converting them into their respective binary form for the computer to analyze

Basic Devices for Storing Binary Info:
  • Electronic
  • Magnetic
  • Optical
More Info: Bit is the smallest unit of data in a system
Byte is equal to 8 bits = 1 character

art animated GIF

Data Cycle

The cycle is composed of:
  • Input Device
  • Main Memory (RAM)
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Output Device
Data is plugged in with the input device then the RAM stores it. Next, the data goes to the CPU so that it will be processed and then goes back to the Main Memory. Lastly, data goes out via output device


Software refers to a program which instructs the computer system on what to do

2 Types of Software:
  1. System Software- manages,maintains,and controls computer resources
  2. Application Software-performs specific personal, business, scientific processing tasks

Under System Software:
  • System Management Software- Operating System (OS)
  • System Development Programs- Compilers

Platforms- defined by a processor and an operating system

Hardware Specs

Hardware Specs or Hardware Specifications are guidelines used for knowing the limitations of a certain hardware device or gadget.

Here are the Basic Computer Hardware Specs:

Main Memory   
CPU Clockrate and Wordsize 
Secondary Memory 
Video Memory 
Audio Adapter 
Wireless/LAN Adapter 
Display Adapter

The Final Countdown

4th Quarter = Last Chapter = The END
The end of the school year is nearing and also Summer but...

one direction animated GIF

Why? because that means no more school, no more seeing your fiends, no more seeing your school, and most of all no COMPUTER SCIENCE!

But anyways...this quarter will be all about COMPUTERS/COMPUTER SYSTEM. 
Well I'll just hope this quarter will be worth it.....

Computer System

A Computer System is basically a combination of hardware and software. It processes inputs and creates a set of outputs.

computer animated GIF

There are 3 main types of Computers:
  • Digital
  • Analog
  • Hybrid

And under DIGITAL there are 4:

  1. Micro Computer
  2. Mini Computer
  3. Mainframe Computer
  4. Super Computer

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Such a Random Quarter

Aw man, another segment of the school year has just passed.

sad animated GIF

Why does time have to fly so FAST??!!

Well I have been taught a lot this quarter, there have been stuff that I thought I knew but didn't.

And I can therefore say that this was an EXCELlent quarter 
hehehe. I had a load of fun and I guess my performance was pretty good.

PLUS I got the chance to ask Sir Tom two Random Questions a day.
See how much fun that is? haha

Then i guess this is goodbye fellas, 'til the next chapter of my Journey!


awesome dog -  YOU'RE AWESOME

2nd and Final Test

This time our Long Test was a Practical.

It was easy for me because it was just about charts and macros.

So let's take a look at what I did,
Charts portion
Well since the macros portion was just a set of commands, it's a blank page, awwwww


This is our final topic for the quarter...

I know.... oh well
At first all of us had no idea what macros was, I honestly thought it was really complicated but fortunately it wasn't

Macros is used to create your own shortcuts in for something that you often do in excel. Instead of doing your 'ritual' all over again, with macros you'll just press a few keys and your work is done.

First Long Test

I actually had some difficulty in answering the test, 
but luckily I passed. 
Let's say the passing score is 15/25 
I got 17/25.

A Close call right?

Cheezburger animated GIF
#soclose #rollerblading #fail #lol

Quizzes? Oh Man...

Hold on there, there's nothing to worry.
I passed all of them!

And we had a total of only 2 quizzes this first half of the second semester. I got 8/10 on the first then 7/10 on the second.

Lab Exercises and Activities

Well I guess Computer Science isn't fun if there aren't practical exams or hands-on activities.
Sooo we had a lot of them this Quarter.
m animated GIF

Hell yeah! right? Well here are Sneak peeks of my outputs...


Data Representation

First thing that comes to mind? 
Well this was actually maybe the easiest topic but it was fun at the same time.

here's a link for you to learn more:

Conditional Formatting

It is applying unique cell formatting based on a certain condition.

Our 2nd lab exercise

By applying conditional formatting to your data, you can quickly identify variances in a range of values with a quick glance.

Cell Reference

A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used in a formula so that Microsoft Office Excel can find the values or data that you want that formula to calculate.

In one or several formulas, you can use a cell reference to refer to:
  • Data from one cell on the worksheet.
  • Data that is contained in different areas of a worksheet.
  • Data in cells on other worksheets in the same workbook.

For example:

This Formula:                      Refers to:

=C2                                            Cell C2

=Asset-Liability                          The cells named Asset
                                            and Liability

{=Week1+Week2}                            The cell ranges named
                                            Week1 and Week2

=Sheet2!B2                                Cell B2 on Sheet2


Friday, 23 January 2015


So the Logical Operators...
If you would want to learn AND master them, OR maybe it's just a requirement for you to learn them, 

check out this awesome link :

WHAT??? You say i'm forgetting something?
Let's see.....oh now I remember, AND is NOT pronounced as the conjunction, it's said as somewhat like 'und'

doctor who animated GIF


IF Function

Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE, and another value if that condition evaluates to FALSE

You will know more about this topic IF you check out this video:

hahahaha GOT IT???

happy animated GIF


Functions are predefined formulas.
Examples of this are:
  1. PRODUCT function - used to find the product (multiplication)
  2. AVERAGE function - find the average
  3. COUNTA function - count the cells which aren't empty  as well as the number of arguments that contain values.

E R R O R !

Functions do not always work out perfectly...
These errors will show up if you do something wrong:
  1. #N/A - data not found
  2. #DIV/0!occurs when a formula tries to divide by zero
  3. #NULL!occurs when the two or more cell references are not separated correctly in a formula
  4. #REF!An invalid cell reference error message occurs when a spreadsheet formula contains incorrect cell references
  5. #NAME! -  error occurs when Excel does not recognize text in a formula
  6. ####column isn't wide enough to display the value
  7. #NUM! pass an invalid argument to a function 
  8. #VALUE!a formula has the wrong type of argument


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A Misunderstanding folks!
Not THAT kind of formula, remember we are talking about Excel here?

The formula i'm saying is used to perform calculations in Excel.
Note: It always starts off with an equal (=) sign

=4*5 (will result to 20)
=B1+B2 (will result to sum of the values in selected cells)

Note: (+) for addition
(-) for subtraction
(*) for multiplication
(/) for division

A funny thing when we were discussing this topic is that there's this Operator in excel that we couldn't figure out how it's pronounced or even spelled...

Data Analysis

 You can enter almost any value in a cell in Excel.
Now the stuff you enter is classified as DATA.

And of course there are these things called DATA TYPES---standardized representations for particular types of data.

There are various Data Types you can put into a workbook:
Date and Time


Boolean Logic

Numbers and Text

Set It Off

Okay, so since we are mainly going to talk about MS Excel
we had to know what an Excel file is or what its composed of.
An Excel file is called a WORKBOOK. A WORKSHEET is the page you work on which is basically made up of cells.

Aside from that based from what I remember,we first discussed on its parts:

Then  some shortcut keys:

Alt + Enter = Start a new line in the same cell
Ctrl + ; = Insert current date
Ctrl + Enter = Fill selected cell range with current entry

It was just a simple and easy start for the 3rd Quarter...

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Next Chapter...

NOOO....not that kind of next chapter, I meant the next chapter to my Computer science journey. And why you ask?
It's the beginning of another Quarter!

sloth animated GIF

Yep, and we are already tackling about MS Excel. All of the topics will be related to Excel :
  • Logical Operation
  • Data Analysis
  • Solver 
  • Macros
  • Cell Reference 
  • IF
  • Conditional Formatting 
But I can say the fun doesn't end there, of course more experiences will be coming and more jokes will be discovered...